Monday 6 March 2017

Crystal Springs Nearing Capacity?
By Sonica Naudé-Steyn

Following the above average rainfall experienced over the last few weeks, the Harry Gwala District Municipality has allegedly reported that Crystal Springs Dam is nearing it capacity.
This according to Kokstad Chamber of Commerce spokesperson, Margi Fleming: “I have recently had a number of queries regarding the situation with Kokstad's water supply, with a number of people asking when the restrictions will be lifted.  I have spoken to Harry Gwala District Municipality this morning and have been advised that Crystal Dam is currently at 80% capacity but is being used for our water supply at the moment while work is done on the pumps on the river.”
Harry Gwala District Municipality spokesperson, Zekhethelo Ndlovo confirmed the allegation and said that the dam was steadily improving and was between 70% and 80% full. This shows a miraculous improvement of 50% since the end of January when the dam was reportedly at a mere 30% capacity. Currently, the dam is being used in the interim to supply water to the town as the two pumps used to pump water from the river needs replacing.
“Due to the mud and flooding there have been challenges to the service provider who is contracted to carry out this work and they are hoping that both pumps will be up and running within the next week. Once these pumps are working all abstraction from the dam will be stopped and it is expected that with the current flow from the springs, the dam should be at 100% capacity within approximately two weeks,” said Fleming. 
This in turn could possibly allow the Harry Gwala District Municipality to lift the current water restriction imposed on the town since the onset of the drought. The community is however cautioned to continue to conserve water with the approaching winter season which strains local water resources and to report any water leaks and damaged water pipes as a matter of urgency.

1. A major water leak at the intersection of Hope and Barclay Street on Monday caused incalculable litres of water to be wasted and washed along the road. The Harry Gwala District Municipality however reacted quickly to the problem and by Monday afternoon repairs were being conducted to avoid further wastage.

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